Thursday, June 24, 2010

How can i achieve a pale skin color without makeup. One that lasts a long time

I don't know why i want to get paler skin, but i just do. I have light tan skin already, but i want to look a little lighter or paler. I may be dying my hair black, and i might try using a whitener, but are there any other methods. I already know the stay in from sun and wear dark clothes. I really need help thanks =]How can i achieve a pale skin color without makeup. One that lasts a long time
It depends on your heritage and the amount of melanin your skin produces. If your skin is naturally tan and has never been pale at any point, and if your skin which has never been exposed to sun is not already sort of pale, then you will not be able to achieve porcelain skin or ghostly white skin. Your best bet is to go for a subtle look: a treatment twice a day and use sunscreen, as well as avoiding the sun. I would recommend using The Body Shop's Moisture White serum, because it is fairly gentle. It won't really ';bleach'; the skin but it will make it more radiant and even-toned, thus an illusion of more pallid and clear skin. A more expensive alternative would be the Dior ';Snow'; line. How can i achieve a pale skin color without makeup. One that lasts a long time
theres nothing you can do to make your skin paler unless you use creams with chemicals, or foundation. Your only born with pale skin, sorry.

Why would you want to go pale anyway, most pale people try to get a tan, not the other way round. anyhoo, dying your hair black and wearing dark clothing will just make you look like a goth, or a wierdo... so choose makeup...
You should use only organic or facial scrubs that are for sentitive skin because you gotta do some thing that does not get you scared...

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